What is an Unplugged Wedding? Should Your Wedding Be Unplugged?
You have spent a lot of money hiring just the right photographer and videographer to capture every special moment of your wedding day. You spent hours interviewing, reviewing portfolios, checking reviews and talking to previous couples. You know you can count on the professionals to know exactly what photos are important to you and to know what photos and moments you will want to have for future enjoyment. Photos and videos are often the only way couples can relive their day and see all the little moments that flew past them on their wedding day.
So, when you walk down the aisle for all your guests and your loved one to see you for the first time, do you want all your guests faces covered with their cameras? Do you want your photographer or videographers view blocked by guests leaning out into the aisle with their iPads and phones, so that the paid professional misses the most important shot of your day?
This is a rather recent issue in weddings. The increasing use of smart phones as cameras means everyone wants to capture every moment for their own use. Without meaning to, often guests interfere with the professionals. They block access, their phones or iPads block views, and they distract the wedding party from paying attention to what is going on.
It is also difficult for the guests to truly enjoy and be completely present for the ceremony when they are focused on keeping the phone/iPad steady so they get a good shot. The experience of attending a beautiful wedding ceremony is altered when done through the lens of a camera. Most couples want their guests to truly be present and enjoy and remember the ceremony they worked so hard to have.
On your wedding day, you want to be able to see the smiles and joy on the faces of your family and friends. When their faces are hidden behind their phones and tablets you can't see them! Your wedding day photos will be of phones and electronic devices not your loved ones. Which of these photos would you rather look at in 5-10 years?
It is not that you don’t want your guests to have memories of your day and their enjoyment. You can help them do that at appropriate times in appropriate ways. When you hire a professional to capture your wedding day memories, you can offer to share those images with your guests via Facebook or on your wedding website. You can provide access to them online as approved by your photographer/videographer.
In order to “train” your guests to your wishes, place a notice on your wedding
website that your wedding will be an unplugged wedding-one where only the professionals will take photos/videos. Ask them to keep their electronic devices turned off during the wedding ceremony. Signs places strategically at the entrance to the ceremony site will be a reminder to folks of your wishes. You can even place a notice in your wedding order of service asking that all guests keep their phones and cameras off.
Some photographers and videographers are now offering discounts to their couples who agree to have unplugged weddings. You can talk to your professional for advice on how you can let your guest know your wishes without appearing rude or ungrateful. We now ask guest to please put away their electonic devices and to be fully present for the solemn nature of the ceremony. Your wedding officiant, your photographer, videographer and planner can all help you make your dream wedding all you want it to be without all your guests faces being covered with their phones in your pictures. Talk to them and let them help.
Photos courtesy of Ashely Hinton Allen of Two Clicks Away Photography
Contact All Faiths Wedding Officiants to learn more about how your officiant can help make your ceremony exactly as you envision it.